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Industry and
Practice Challenges for
Health Professionals

Ever changing rules and regulations

Ever changing rules and regulations of the medical billing world as laid down by each Medical Aid Schemes  and regulatory compliance bodies.


Practice Compliance

Practice compliance and billing stipulations with regard to regulatory bodies such as the BHF, CMS and HPSCA and as laid out by the Consumer Protection Act and POPIA.

Overhead Costs and HR Challenges

Overhead costs and HR challenges in respect of staff and training, salaries, bonuses, sick days and leave, administrative costs and office space, equipment and costly computer hardware and software that require maintenance and updates to avoid loss of data, corruption and errors in the system.

Non-Standard Protocols

Non-standard Protocols means varying business procedures lead to uncertainty which reduces productivity and takes away from valuable clinical time.

Why Choose Us?

With so many regulatory bodies and compliance aspects of a practice we offer you peace of mind in having information you need when you need it with a broad-based wealth of knowledge gained from years of experience.

Outstanding client service and personal attention to your practice

Enhanced cash flow due to increased payment turnaround and profitability

Client and patient confidentiality and POPIA compliance


Assistance with the administrative demands of regulatory and professional bodies and Medical Aid Schemes

Knowledge and expertise

Peace of mind and productivity allows you to do more of what you

love to do

Balance your workload by outsourcing tasks


Transparency, accountability and reliability - billing industry information when you need it

Reduced administration for your practice

Eliminate time and frustration chasing bad debt

Seamless integration of your practice into a solution that works for you

Lower overhead costs


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